Here are some tips and tricks that will make the process a little smoother. We’ve even setup templates you might need to provide to your designer. Alternatively, feel free to reach out to the SignsRX customer support team for assistance with any of your graphic or logo design needs.
For Photoshop Users
Whether you use our templates or you create your own document, please make sure the dimension of your file is the exact size of the finished size.
Image Resolution: Photos and graphics need to be 125 DPI at full size
In Photoshop, you can go to IMAGE -> IMAGE SIZE to find out your file resolution.
Good Quality:
High resolution / high quality stock photography
High resolution / high quality scanner
Low Quality:
Screen capture of video frame
Low resolution / low quality stock photography
Image lifted off a web-page
Since your banner will be a large format print, you don’t need to prepare your file in 300 DPI which is usually used for smaller format print.
If you are uncertain of the quality of your images, please call us at 757-774-6879 or email us at
Color Mode Your file has to be in CMYK mode. IMAGE -> MODE -> CMYK
When you are done with the design, flatten all the layers, then save as TIF. If you need our graphic designers to modify your artwork, don’t flatten layers but convert all text to shapes. (Graphic modification – $75 per hour. Please call for estimated time.) LAYER -> TYPE -> CONVERT TO SHAPE
Before you upload the file(s) to us, view your graphic in actual pixel view. VIEW -> ACTUAL PIXEL Review the entire graphic carefully, especially your logo and photos if any, to make sure it looks good to you. Because what you see in the actual pixel view is very close to what you will get on your banner(s).
If you are satisfied with what you see, please UPLOAD FILES If you are satisfied with what you see, please UPLOAD FILES with your contact and order information.
For Illustrator Users
Image Resolution:Your images (any graphics that are not vector) need to be 125 DPI at full size. Determine Image Quality from Source:
Good Quality:
High resolution/ high-quality stock photography
High resolution/ high-quality scanner
Low Quality:
Screen capture of video frame
Low resolution/ low-quality stock photography
Image lifted off a web-page
Since your banner will be a large format print, you don’t need to prepare your file in 300 DPI which is usually used for smaller format print.
If you are uncertain of the quality of your images, please call us at (757) 774-6879 or email us at
Color Mode Your file has to be in CMYK mode. FILE -> DOCUMENT COLOR MODE -> CMYK
Convert all your text outlined. TYPE -> CREATE OUTLINE
*If your text is not created outlined, font shift might occur.
When you are done with the design, save the file in EPS format.
If you have extra graphics outside of the finished size area, create a crop area with the exact size of finishing size before saving.
If you need our graphic designers to modify your artwork, send us your original Illustrator file(s). (Graphic modification – $75 per hour. Please call for estimated time.)
Before you upload the file(s) to us, open the EPS file you just saved. Review all the graphics/text and make sure the dimension is right. If you are satisfied with what you see, please UPLOAD FILES with your contact and order information.